

A space where family, friends and anyone else can follow our adventures. We are a homeschooling, crafting, music-making, back-flipping wonderfully crazy family living on the coast of Maine enjoying everything life has to offer us!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

a wonderfully crazy mess

I was reading a blog early this morning, of course I can't find it to link now to save my life...Does anyone else get so easily lost and detoured in blogland?  Anyway the post reminded me of my finishing things post but also talked a bit about the "mess" of crafting.  I had to laugh.  We've had a wonderful day of crafting.  Mostly Molly and I while Corey has played with forgotten blocks and cars (it's amazing how toys that are put away for a while become totally new and exciting again).  He did do some needle felting, but quickly went back to his "city" as he was calling it.  Made me smile and remember my brothers playing cars when we were little.

We've recently taken the table out of the center of what was our dining room and the kids love to play on the rug in the warm sunlight.  We're now slowing re-arranging things in this room and renaming it the Library!  More on that later.
Mol and I have been going strong on several different projects between yesterday and today, she's really taken to making Waldorf dolls and I've been excited to get some things up in the Etsy shop  while of course crafting for my own.  So as you can imagine, there has been a little neglecting of the housework.  What can I say, we are having fun, and we are happy...the dishes, laundry, vacuuming, dusting and what not will be there waiting for me. Right?
Here's a little taste of what we've been up to:
a bitty fairy

Molly's doll in progress         
I'm loving this doll Molly is making, especially her turquoise highlights, oh so super-cool.

 These are the napkins I was working on, they are a little thank you gift.  Simply sewn on the machine then a quick blanket stitch and crochet edge. I got the idea from the fall 2010 issue of Living Crafts Magazine  If you haven't seen this one yet check it out!  You can actually get back issues on sale right now through Swift River Toys this is an amazingly crafty mama friend of mine!
the messes we make
 This picture makes my mess look much more organized than it is...
an over ambitious pile of craft books
 A small pile of some of our favorite  books for instruction and inspiration.  This one below I picked up at a book sale for .99 cents!  The copyright is 1969 and not only is it a fantastic reference for every kind of needlework, the pictures and patterns are hysterical!
book sale 99cent score

 The thought of Miss Molly and I standing around it these matching jumpers is almost too much!  If it becomes a reality I'll be sure to walk down to the water and take pictures in front of some boats!
little birdy wings
These little spring birdies are heading over to the shop soon...very cute.
what kind of wonderfully crazy messes do you make?


  1. what in the word is faggoting?!?

  2. Angie, I am quite sure that I have a knitting book that is a sister or cousin to your book above. I don't know why I keep it, but the pictures sure are fun to look at.

    I will have to show it to you some time....


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