

A space where family, friends and anyone else can follow our adventures. We are a homeschooling, crafting, music-making, back-flipping wonderfully crazy family living on the coast of Maine enjoying everything life has to offer us!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

fresh air

It seems as though the spring cold that has entered our house has found it's way to me!  I want nothing more than to stay in bed, but it's simply gorgeous outside so I'm thinking fresh air is what I need today.
I let the kids have at it with some seeds, we're not starting many seeds this year, these are just a few flowers and herbs.

  We just don't have the space or luck when it comes to starting tomato or peppers.  Luckily I've got a friend (you know who you are) who's got some lovely seedlings started, not sure what my tactic will be but some buttering up will be commencing when the time comes:) Of course she does all the same kinds of crafts I do so a trade may prove tough, but I'll find a way. 
I've got the windows open and did manage to bring some more branches in to get that spring feeling. This is the third round of forsythia we've done, they are so lovely and bloom so fast.  I also brought in some lilacs which I've never done before but I saw Melanie over at Our Ash Grove had clipped some and thought "why have I never done that"!
We have plenty of lilacs and I'm beyond excited waiting for that smell. It never lasts long but for a week or so in May sitting on my front porch (or backyard for that matter) is simply intoxicating. 
Now that I'm back inside and the kids have moved on to making mud-pies:

Gotta love that they don't ever seem to outgrow the fun of mud.  Now I've decided it's time to give in to this spring cold.  I've done as much as I can do, these two are content, the windows are open and I must just rest.  Here's to fresh air and feeling better soon.


  1. Angie, hope your cold is getting better. How wonderful to have a friend you can 'butter up' for seedlings. I have heard of people growing tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets because of space if you want to give it a try. Enjoy the fresh, spring air!

  2. Angie- Thank you for stopping by my blog! You live on the coast of Maine?!? That makes this Texas girl very excited. I have always wanted to go to Maine. It just seems so quaint and lovely. And cold. Which may be why I haven't quite yet made it!

  3. Oh, Angie, so sorry you got hit with the bug! I would gladly bring you some hot tea and fresh bread...guess I'd need to renew my passport for that one. ;) Rest well! Hope you're out fully enjoying the beautiful weather very soon. Big hugs to you!


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