

A space where family, friends and anyone else can follow our adventures. We are a homeschooling, crafting, music-making, back-flipping wonderfully crazy family living on the coast of Maine enjoying everything life has to offer us!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

In the Garden

I haven't been visiting this space as much lately, not that I don't want to but other things in life are calling right now.  School, work, a pesky dishwasher that doesn't want to behave and a few upcoming craft fairs.  Here are some pictures of the very neglected fall gardens these days.

I'm always amazed at what the garden will do when left alone (as it tends to be in the fall).  Soon we will put the veggie gardens to bed for the winter, but for now I will just enjoy what nature has to offer.  Hope that you are well.


  1. Your garden looks so lovely. Ours was doing pretty good until an extra hard frost last week...It's looking significantly more brown and wilted. Winter is calling...

  2. I have missed you and glad to hear everything is well and life is just rolling along!

  3. Isn't it nasturtiums look happier now that the temps are mostly below 50F than they did all summer!

  4. Beautiful garden! Ours is not looking quite so alive. Late fall has put everything to sleep. :)


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